Blogspot: The Other LiveJournal

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Here I sit, all broken hearted
I tried to shit but only farted
The other day I took a chance
Tried to fart, and shit my pants.

How is that for an update Jared?

Other than that, not much else is new. I have to go to work today, which I am not too excited to do. But hey, I get paid time and a half next Monday, which will help a great deal as I am currently more broke than I have ever been thanks to Gimmpy's wedding. Oh well. I guess I don't need to eat for the first two months I am at work...

Love to all. Especially your moms.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Late at night in Guttenberg...

So here I sit at the computer at nearly twelve am on a thursday/friday night... Don't you wish you were me?

Nothing to report here. Tomorrow I consolidate my loans and work my ass off all weekend. Then next week I go to Gimmpy's wedding. That should be a drunken orgy and that makes me happy! I have always wanted to take part in an orgy...Yaay orgy!

Get down and funky all you bloggers! Gosh I am bored...


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

one word for you all...


Peace to all these days.


Monday, June 13, 2005

so here I am, creating a blog to keep up with you fukkers...

if you really want to know what I am up to, go to and look for didgerydrew...
Though I might post here every once and a while